Sunday, 23 January 2011

Fun with Paper

Recycled, scrap, magazines, newspapers ... Paper is so much fun.  I made these pretty little pendants from pages out of old magazines, added a bead, glued into a discarded lid top and popped on a little bail.  They turned out quite nice. I also had a real go at making my own paper beads (there is a wealth of information on how to on the internet ...apparently paper bead making goes back to Victorian times !).  I remember making these with my nana as a wee girl, kept my sister and I out of mischief for quite some time !

I used a combination of modpodge, glossy accents, and diamond glaze to seal variouis batches, and think they all turned out equally nice, with a good finish and shine on them.  I did read on my cyber travels, that mod podge can get sticky if it gets warm from your skin ... I will need to test one out.

There's lots of variations that can be done with these, decorative scissors for a nice 'edge',  glitters, ribbon wraps round the edges, and I'm sure I will come back to doing more of these soon.
I did these as an easy project for a local group, and I think everyone enjoyed making them and having a pendant to take home.



  1. I am working on posting a how to on these if anyone is interested

  2. How lovely I remember doing this at at school. Not quite so pretty though as this. A how to would be great!
